Assume a class hierachy to be created has he following classes:

Assume a class hierachy to be created has he following classes: employee having first name, last name and socail security number;

2.a salaried employee having a monthly slary;

3. a commission employee having monthly total sales and commission rate;

4. an hourly employee having and number of hours worked in a month and overtime paid 1.5 times the hourly wage if huors exceed 40;

5.a commission salaried employee who earns a monthly basic salary plus a commission on monthly sales;

2. Consider the following description. Retcangles and circles are geometric shapes.Each Geometric shape can describe itself by specifying its radius area and diameter and circumfrence/perimeter.On the other hand a rectangle describes itself using length,width,area and perimeter .

describe a class hierachy tha depicts the relationship between circles and rectangles wiith geometric shapes> tour class hierachy should have atleast three classes e.g GeometricShapes.Rectangle and Circle.The GeometricShapes class should be an abstractt class while the Rectangle and Circle classe shold be concrete classes>Identify the suitable data members together with methods for each class .Use class hierachy to write a to wwrite a java apllication that implements inheritance as highlighted in the hierarchy >.In addition use object references to superclass GeometricShapes to demonstrate polymor

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