assignment 4 on globalization essay writing services

Assignment procedures:

Your review must be printed in Times New Roman, font 12, and single-spaced.

You are allowed a maximum of one page of a Word document. Exceeding pages will be disregarded. I’m sure you have much to say on the reviewed book, but succinctness is a precious skill to be developed.

The first part of the assignment must be printed (physical copy) and delivered before March 26th, 2015. The second part of the assignment must be submitted through Blackboard Learn no later than April 2nd, 2015 (8:30am). No exceptions! You have only one chance to submit it, so make sure you submit the right and complete file.

In addition, make sure your uploaded document follows one of the following formats: Word (DOC, DOCX), PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) or PDF (PDF). No other formats will be accepted as the BlackBoard Learn’s system Crocodoc will not display it.


Two parts constitute this assignment:


You must draft at least one question about the book: something you may want to ask the author himself. It could be a methodological, theoretical, conceptual or even existential question. Something pertinent to the book and the arguments or field experiences of the author. It is highly recommended that you try to make connections with the discussions raised in our course.

You must draft your question(s), print and deliver it to the professor before March 26th, 2015. I will only accept physical copies. Do not send me your questions through email nor have them submitted with the second part of this assignment on April 2nd! Don’t forget to identify your name and student number.


You must review Andrew Welsh’s book: Made in Madagascar: sapphires, ecotourism, and the global bazaar.

This review must be submitted through Blackboard and it should be one page long (maximum length).

A good reference on how to make a good review is provided by Trent University. You will be graded according to their guidelines (obviously taking into consideration the limited space specified to you). Here is the reference:

Click to access HowtoWriteaBookReview.pdf

If the above link does not work, you will find the guidelines on the left side of your screen, under “perhaps of interest” link. Search for Trent University book review guidelines

Keep in mind that a book review is not a book summary! See the above link for more information on this common mistake.

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