Assessment task 1: Needs Analysis
This assessment item focuses on data collection and analysis requirements for health services planning.
Task: You are working in a health services planning unit that is required to develop a plan to address a health issue for a defined geographic area, and your specific task is to outline the scope of this activity and justify its importance.
- Read modules 2 (Assessing Need) and 3 (Evidence Based Planning) of The Health Planner’s Toolkit from your reference list – available
- Identify an issue of health need in an area of health care that you are familiar with, either in Australia or overseas, where the solution could be provided by health services.
- Develop a plan to address this health issue by addressing the following steps. Define the health problem or need as clearly as possible, including the population target group(s), nature of the disease or condition and geographic area, and provide some evidence for the importance of this need. Propose six (6) key questions that would need to be answered to describe the scope, nature and priority of this health problem in the particular area you have chosen and how it could be addressed. For example, if your issue is Type 2 diabetes in remote rural communities, your questions might include ‘how will levels of diabetes incidence be identified?’ and ‘what are the current resources available to respond to this need?’ Outline the major categories and sources of information or data that you will use to answer these questions (include demographic, health status and service utilisation sources) and identify particularitemsfromthesesourcesthatyouwilluseandhowyouwillusethem(be specificand practical). For example, if you identified data for an expressed health need such as Type 2 diabetes, you would be expected to indicate the appropriate datasets and the categories of information you would require from these datasets. Critically assess some of the key limitations in the information sources you have identified either in terms of availability, quality or applicability, and provide evidence for your answer. Outline the factors that will determine the extent of this health problem in 20 years’ time, and the method you would use to quantify the future size of the problem and the resources required to meet the problem.
- No introduction or conclusion is required.
20% Analyses and reframes the health need or problem within the context of needs assessment demonstrating a depth of knowledge
20% Justifies the chosen categories and sources of information and their application to the health problem or need
20% recommends relevant data analysis methodologies for the health problem or need
20% Formulates a clear and logical approach to the analysis of the health problem or need
10% Validates perspectives through correct interpretation and explicit linkage of relevant and current literature (> year 2004) to the assessment focus
10% Produces correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style (report), and referencing
Important not
1- Referencing style
You must uses the Harvard (UTS) style for in-text referencing and production of a reference list. Please refer to
for guidance on this referencing style
2- Use the referencing above 2004
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