Assessment Project 4 Finance and operations assignment writing service
The tasks below relate to Module 5. They address the elements of the following units of competency:
o Report on financial activity (BSBFIA402A)
o Implement operational plan (BSBMGT402.A)
- Implement continuous improvement (BSBMGT403A)
We recommend you look through the detailed competency descriptors which can be found in Appendix A of the Course Guide, or in the
‘Competencies’ link online.
Page lengths are provided as a guide only. The key is to ensure your responses are succinct and relevant to the questions asked.
Remember: too little information will not demonstrate your depth of understanding nor show your knowledge of relevant theory or how you have applied it to your work situation. On the other hand, responses that are too long or off the track will not demonstrate cw-rent competence clearly.
Task 1
Develop a yearly calendar (a simple table) that outlines when you must submit required reports and information to the ATO, workers compensation and superannuation funds. Add your comments.
One page
Task 2
Using financial data from your practice for a recent quarter, or data from the case study practice, fill in the appropriate areas of a business activity statement (BAS). You can use a sample BAS from your accounting package or the blank BAS template provided online. (Note: with the latter you will need to print it out, fill it in by hand, and scan it).
Form only
© UNE Partnerships, 2011
Task 3
List 10 KPis (ratios/profiles) for your practice. They should include both financial and non-financial measures.
Explain how you collect data to measure these KPis, how often you monitor them and give an example of changes that you have had to implement in the practice due to analysis of three of the KPis listed.
Two to three pages
Task 4
Use a profit and loss report from your practice, or the case study practice, for two separate financial periods (quarter or financial year).
Analyse the practice’s performance over the two periods utilising a range ofKPis.
Prepare a report for your practice principal discussing your analysis, giving reconunendations for any changes and explaining how to monitor the result of those changes.
Two to three pages
Task 5
Your principal has asked you to review the practice’s process for new patients, and then prepare a discussion paper.
Detail the process for collection and storage of relevant information, and include in your discussion paper:
- a sample new patient form
- an explanation of how data is stored
- the backup system used for computer storage of data
- any recommended changes to the type of data collected, or to the process itself.
Two pages plus sample form
Task 6
Your practice has just undergone an accreditation visit. Three areas were identified where the practice did not meet the requirements:
- infection control
- cold chain management
- recall and reminder systems.
Using the ADRI or the PDCA models as part of your review process, prepare an action plan and report with recommendations for your practice principal.
Three pages
Task 7
Your principal has asked you to examine the practice’s expenditure on medical supplies and office stationery, as there is a belief that that these costs are rising rapidly.
Prepare a discussion paper for the principal outlining the practice’s procedure for monitoring stock levels, usage and re-ordering. Include a series of recommendations as to how the processes could be improved.
Two pages
Task 8
Your practice has decided to upgrade its computer system. The principal has asked you to prepare the following documents to assist the process:
- an accurate list of the hardware/software required
- a budget of the expenditure required, including capital costs, installation and other identified costs
- a detailed plan to allow the changeover of hardwareIsoftware with minimum disturbance to the normal running of the practice
- a memo to all staff outlining the changeover plan.
Four pages plus budget
Task 9
The practice of continuous quality improvement is an essential one in business today. Using the concepts that you have learnt, how does this apply in your practice? Relate the theoretical concept to a specific example in your workplace.
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