ART HISTORY – art analysis / sketch
ART HISTORY – art analysis / sketch
ARTH 104 Survey: Art Fourteenth Century to the Present
Find a building or monument in the Bridgewater State University campus area (it is from the Bridgewater State University Campus) or in your town that you would like to draw and write about. You must visit your building/monument in person. This assignment is about discussing your experience of a space!
The first part of the assignment involves looking and drawing. Sketch a view of the building/monument. Also take a digital photograph of your building/monument. ** I will be attaching a photo of the art for you to discuss and sketch**
After completing your sketch, write a succinct (2 pages, double spaced) formal analysis of the building/monument based on your observations. Introduce the reader to the building and its site. In your analysis, try to convey the viewing experience as the viewer moves through and around the space. Include the experiences of approaching the monument and/or entering the building. Some aspects you may wish to discuss are materials, colors, textures and surfaces, geometry and line, light and shadow, position within surrounding contexts, references to other historic buildings/monuments, form and structure, and function and space.
-Please hand in your sketch ** YOU WILL NEED TO DO A SKETCH** with your formal analysis, as well as a digital photograph of your chosen building or monument. -Proofread your paper carefully and thoughtfully.
-Please contact me with any questions or concerns!
** The picture will be attached. The Artwork is located to the Right of Hunt Hall and right across the street from boyden hall. On the left of the art studio**
** The Starter kit (which goes over formal art analysis ) will be provided in PDF**
**please ad cover page**
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