Answering Various Questions

Answering Various Questions

Please ask yourself the following when responding to the 10 questions below, “what is this question asking me?” Be thorough and comprehensive, making sure to cite sources when necessary to support your position.
. Please compare and contrast the Traditional Model of Employee Supervision to the Human Services Model of Employee Supervision.
2. Is the Human Service Model possible? Cite evidence that supports your argument.
3. What is occupational socialization? How does this process occur? How does occupational socialization work to form an organizational culture?
4. Describe the process of judicial socialization as set forth by Carp & Wheeler (1972).
5. Please list and define the various types of Power & Authority. Give at least one example of each type.
6. What is Learned Helplessness? How can learned helplessness have deleterious consequences to a criminal justice organization?
7. How do vertical and horizontal conflicts differ? Provide one concrete example of each type of conflict.
8. List and describe the 5 stages of the conflict episode. Be specific.
9. Please select and explain two theories of organizational effectiveness. What are the foundational principles of each theory? What limitations or gaps arise within the theoretical construct that you selected?
10. Please explain the distinctions between Crescive Change and Purposive Change. Give one example of each type of change.

PLEASE NOTE: Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2008). Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management, Fourth Edition. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth Publishers is a great reference resource for this assignment.


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