Ancient Art Quiz

Ancient Art Quiz

. For ancient Egyptians in many ways the underworld was
considered dangerous, but there were also benefits for the
deceased. Explain how it was important for kings to build their
funerary tombs as part of the sun god’s cycle.2. Explain how King Hatsheput came into rule during the 18th
Dynasty.3. Which king had the largest funerary complex at Thebes? A)
King Thutmose III B) King Hatshepsut C) King Amenhotep D) King
Thutmose I 4. Red quartzite shrines were built into temples as a
place to set down the sacred _____________, which was used to carry
the cult statue of the deity.5. What solar connection did red granite symbolize?6. King Amenhotep’s depictions underwent a physical change after
his first sed¬festival at the temple of Luxor. What was different
about his characteristics, and what was he now depicted as
wearing?7. Both palaces and temples were built as microcosms of the
world from its very beginning. A) True B) False 8. In contract to
the temples, there was little palace decoration relating directly
to the deities. Instead, what types of images would you find in a
palace?9. This fragment shows a Syrian travelling to Egypt. The
Egyptian world view required that all depictions of visitors,
whether on diplomatic missions or for trade purposes, were shown in
what way?10. Often the stone in rock-cut tombs were too poor in quality
to create reliefs. Describe the decoration styles used in these
situations.11. Pleated garments became fashionable in the late
_______________ Dynasty.12. The falcon is the animal form of Horus. However, the symbol
of the _________________ is also associated with the god Horus and
was often depicted on amulets and coffins. The drop and spiral
imitate the marking of a falcon, and it represents healing and
‘making whole’.13. The goddess _________________ is represented as a vulture
with outstretched wings, and included in funerary decoration at the
temple of King Hatshepsut.14. Many time statues would be holding nu¬jars, and the
hieroglyph of the nu-jar generally meant what?15. Why does King Hatshepsut generally disappear from sources,
even after her reign was considered successful?16. Describe what a stelophorous statue looks like.17. Due to King Amenhotep’s increased emphasis on the solar
aspects of deities, large open ________________ were now included
in many temple complexes.

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