Analyzing Theories of Crime FOR NITKKR ONLY
Analyzing Theories of Crime FOR NITKKR ONLY
Assignment 2: LASA 1 Analyzing Theories of CrimeYou are an investigative reporter for a large news network. You
are working on a news piece identifying how theories of crime
explain specific crimes including the demographics of perpetrators
and victims. You are required to make a thirty-minute presentation
to your producers to convince them to run your story.Choose a specific crime from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)
Program at the following: •US Department of Justice, The Federal
Bureau of Investigation. (2009). 2008 Crime in the United States:
About crime in the U.S. Retrieved from Research this crime using your textbook, the Argosy University
online library resources, and the Internet. Be sure to include the
UCR and other crime reports in your researchBased on your research, develop a presentation that addresses
the following: •Define the crime. Include both the legal definition
and others as necessary. •Summarize demographics of the crime for
both the perpetrators and the victim. Be sure to cover the
following: ◦Gender ◦Ethnicity ◦Socioeconomic characteristics ◦Other
relevant diversity issues•Choose two theories of the causes of crime that have been
discussed and analyzed so far in the course; apply those theories
to the selected crime. Be sure to cover the following: ◦Explain the
type of each theory in detail. ◦Discuss the development of each
theory and the main theorists associated with them. ◦Compare and
contrast the two theories of crime selected. Discuss the ways in
which they fit with the crime and the specific demographics
associated with the crime.•Based on your research, develop your own hypothesis of the
cause of this crime. Using the theories that you have chosen, you
can develop your own “combination” theory. •Give valid reasons and
scholarly, peer-reviewed sources in support of your theory.You are allowed to present your theory in first person; however,
be careful not to abuse this privilege.Your presentation should include the following: •A title slide
and a reference slide (these will not count towards the total
number of slides). •At least five sentences of speaker notes for
each section to clarify anything not included in the slides. (As
this is a presentation the slides should cover the main points and
the details should be covered in the speaker’s notes.) The speaker
notes should be properly referenced.Develop a 10–15-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply
APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming
convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.ppt.By Wednesday, April 15, 2015, deliver your assignment to the M3:
Assignment 2 Dropbox.Grading Criteria and RubricAssignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum PointsProvide definitions of the crime. Include both the legal
definition and other definitions that you find in your research.
20Draw from the UCR and other crime reports to summarize
demographics of the crime for both the perpetrators and the victim.
Include details about gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic
characteristics, and other relevant diversity issues. 24Explain the type of each theory. 20Discuss the development of each theory and the main theorists
associated with each. 24Compare and contrast the two theories of crime selected. Discuss
the ways in which they fit with the crime and the specific
demographics that are associated with the crime. 32Based on your research, develop your own hypothesis of the cause
of this crime. Using the theories that you have chosen, you can
develop your own “combination” theory. Give valid reasons and
sources in support of your theory. 36Presentation Components: Organization (12) Usage and mechanics
(12) APA elements (16) Style (4) 44Total: 200
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