Analyze the case of a small company which started up as small and managed to become very successful.
Please find a small internationalization business which sell product.
I have clearly given all the instruction in a file which will upload later, please read carefully and follow the structure write it. Thank you!
Short report: 1500 words (Not included appendix and bibliography)
The report should have an introduction, clear literature review, appendix with data, tables, pictures, and any additional information. You are required to access original information through interviews with the founders, directors, ex founders or senior managers of small companies.
The objective is to analyze the case of a company which started up as small (family-owned firms are fine as well as one-man/woman firms) and managed to become very successful.
Preference given to firms that benefitted from being in a cluster, or from their network relationships with clients, suppliers, allies… Any sector or timeframe is accepted (e.g. a music band operating in the context of the London music scene can be considered as a small firm operating in a cluster, but a small company providing drilling services within a mining complex in Peru, China, Brazil, India is also a valid example. (Think broad and outside of the box). Preference given to firms that remain small (in terms of organizational structure and employment, not necessarily of sales. A firm of 10 people can sell millions!).
your work should be structured as if it was a piece of market research carried out by external consultants who have to assess the case for either investors, or competitors.
The focus of the analysis should be on Internationalization, and should focus on a specific period of time, not on the future (it can be “up to 2015”).
Internationalization: Focus on a case where a small company made its first international sale. Discuss how it found its first foreign client (E.g. through a local client, or through an intermediary), what were its main concerns with operating internationally (costs, issues of language and culture). Explain how the first international sale affected its subsequent trajectory, and talk also about its second and third sales (less in detail).
1) Introduce the company – who are they, when were they created, by whom, to do what, which period you are analyzing. Max 1000 words. .
2) Basic data – employment, sales, markets, specific products (product lines, core business) – Appendix
3) Context and strategy – competitors, choice of markets, strategic positioning.
4) Critical point – Explain the critical point (either internationalization, or sale of the firm, or succession, or diversification). What happened? Why? What were the possible choices? What were other firms doing? What was finally decided? What were the consequences? This is the core of your work, so develop it properly.
5) Always include some discussion of the relationships between the firm and external organizations, such as suppliers, investors, universities, government agencies. E.g. what was the role of investors, clients, suppliers and government agencies in helping the firm make its first foreign sale?
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