Advanced Management Accounting writing service

While some accountants have described modern management accounting tools and technology as laudable innovations essential for the survival of any organisation in a global competitive business environment (see Johnson, 1994; Hoque and Alam, 1999), others have argued that some of the so called modern management accounting tools and technology are just �old wine in new bottles� (see ezzamel, 1994; Norreklit, 2003).

Critically examine the above statements by analysing the argument for and against the development and implementation of modern management accounting tools and technology and evaluating the role of the management accountant therein.

Coursework Guidance
Students should first and foremost analyse various modern management accounting tools and technological innovations. They should thereafter critically examine the arguments for and against their implementation in various organisations globally and the role of the expertise of the management accountant in the development and implementation.

Module Description


Management accounting is seen as a tool to provide information to internal parties in organisations for decision making, planning and control and cost management. The unifying theme of this course is the role played by management accounting information in organisational control and decision making. The aim is to develop a critical understanding of the management accounting roles in organisations.

The course critically examines a range of contemporary issues in management accounting such as total quality management and management accounting systems; Customer profitability analysis/customer accounting; Responsibility accounting, financial performance measures, and transfer prices and; Measuring non-financial performance: the balanced scorecard. Various specific techniques and skills will also be developed.

The emphasis of management accounting in this term is from various perspectives of management control. The course critically evaluates contemporary approaches of management control theories to understand the current practices of management accounting globally.



Aims of the module


This course aims:

  1. To provide students with wider understanding of management accounting by locating management accounting in socio-political, economic and cultural context.


  1. To support and encourage education and learning, and foster the capacity for individual study.


  1. To encourage and facilitate critical and analytical thinking as a foundation for subsequent academic study, employment and personal development.


  1. To provide the necessary support to enable the successful completion of the degree.


  1. Develop active learning and self-assessment skills.








Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • understand the history and development of management accounting
  • critically evaluate the contribution of traditional and contemporary costing methodologies to internal reporting, decision-making and organisational control
  • understand the strengths and limitations of contemporary approaches to cost measurement and management
  • understand the global issues of management accounting
  • understand the influence of corporate strategy on management accounting with reference to value chain analysis, the balancedscore card and various financial and non-financial performance measures


Most importantly, this module identifies and explores challenges and issues facing organisations as they operate in a world of increasing competitiveness and change, requiring managers to combine management accounting ideas with those from other areas such as marketing, technology and HR. Accordingly it is interdisciplinary. It comprises 11 lectures (1 session x 2 hour) and 11x 1 hour workshops. The module is arranged around:


  1. Accounting for strategic management: introduction: methodological issues in management accounting


  1. The essence of management control in private, voluntary and public sectors


  1. Strategic Issues in cost allocation and activity-based costing and activity-based management


  1. Advanced manufacturing technology, JIT, target costing and product life-cycle costing


  1. Quality costing, total quality management and management accounting systems


  1. Value-chain analysis and accounting


  1. Customer profitability analysis/customer accounting


  1. Competitor analysis/competitor accounting


  1. Responsibility accounting, financial performance measures, and transfer prices


  1. Measuring non-financial performance: the balanced scorecard


  1. Benchmarking analysis


The module will draw upon a range of case studies drawn from the ‘real world’.



Organisation of Module

A weekly 2-hour lecture


A weekly 1-hour seminar:

In the seminar specific issues are explored and discussed in detail.



Key Text and Reading List:



The lectures and tutorials are based on text books, academic and professional journals



Key Text


Hansen, D.R; Mowen, M.M; Guan L (2007) Cost Management: Accounting and Control, Sixth Edition, Thomson, South Western.



Supplementary Text Books


Drury, C. Management and Cost Accounting, 7th Edition.


Charles T. Horngren, Alnoor Bhimani; Srikant M. Datar; George Foster (2008), Management and Cost Accounting.


Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S Kplan; Ella Mae Matsumura; S. Mark Young (2007), Management Accounting, Fifth Edition.


Trevor Horpper; Deryl Northcott; Robert Scapens (2007), Issues in Management Accounting; Third Edition.


Zahirul Hoque (2003), Strategic Management Accounting, Concepts, Processes and Issues, Second Edition









Academic Journals


The following academic journals should be able to help students in preparing for seminars


Examples of major academic journals (in alphabetical order) include:


Accounting and Business Research


Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal


Accounting, Business and Financial History


Accounting Forum


Accounting, Organizations and Society


British Accounting Review


Critical Perspectives on Accounting


Management Accounting Research


Many of these journals are available on the web through the library catalogue.



Professional Journals


Reading professional journals will help you keep in touch with developments in the

profession (e.g. Accountancy, Management Accounting, Accountancy Age, CA Magazine).

Likewise, reading the financial press (for example, Financial Times, the

business sections of daily newspapers such as The Guardian, The Times, The Daily

Telegraph) will provide interesting insights into current developments.



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