accounting[research for business decision making]

accounting[research for business decision making]

Harvard Referencing Guide UniSA This guide will help you apply the Harvard referencing style to your writing at UniSA. It is designed to help you understand the conventions and principles of this style and make decisions about referencing. There are many different versions of the Harvard style. This guide presents one consistent version for use at UniSA, which conforms to the Australian Government standard guidelines presented in Snooks & Co (eds) 2002, Style manual for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, Wiley & Sons, Australia. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 1 Table of contents What is referencing?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 How do we reference?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Sample extract from an essay………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 What if your source does not match? ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Harvard referencing UniSA examples……………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Print………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Book …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Edited book ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Chapter in an edited book………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Journal article…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 Magazine article……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Newspaper article …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 Government publication ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Legal publication ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Patent or standard ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 Dictionary, encyclopaedia or handbook ………………………………………………………………………. 15 Conference paper or thesis………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Miscellaneous ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 16 Online (electronic)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Webpage or website …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Online journal article ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Online news item ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 E-book or online document ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Miscellaneous ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 Sound and visual …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 Film or television………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22 Miscellaneous ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23 Other …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Frequently asked questions…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 Useful links and information………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29 Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 2 What is referencing? Whenever you write an assignment at university, you will probably be expected to use information from different sources to support and develop your thinking. Referencing is a standard practice used in academic writing to show your reader which ideas you have gathered from other sources and where those ideas came from. Why do we reference? It is important to show your reader that you have sought out expert, reliable sources to help support and develop your thinking, and this is done through referencing. The referencing in your assignment:  demonstrates good research conduct  shows the range of ideas and approaches you have found and thought about  acknowledges the sources of those ideas  tells your reader where they can locate those sources. Referencing also helps you to avoid plagiarism. If you present someone else’s ideas as if they are your own work, or use the exact same language they use without acknowledgment, you are committing plagiarism. Plagiarism can be unintentional due to poor referencing, but the consequences are always serious. Accurate referencing helps you to avoid this. For more information on avoiding plagiarism, visit When do we reference? Every time you include words, ideas or information from a source – whether it’s a website, book or journal article – in your assignment, you must include an in-text reference to show that this content has been gathered from somewhere else. In-text references must be included whenever you:  paraphrase someone else’s ideas in your own words  summarise someone else’s ideas in your own words  quote someone else’s ideas in their exact words  copy or adapt a diagram, table or any other visual material. For each source that you reference in-text, you must also create an entry in the reference list at the end of the assignment. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 3 How do we reference? There are two components to a Harvard reference: 1) an in-text reference in the body of your assignment 2) full reference details in your reference list 1) In-text references An in-text reference is provided each time you refer to ideas or information from another source, and includes the following details:  the author’s family name (do not include given names) /authoring body or organisation  the year of publication  page numbers where applicable. There are two main ways to present an in-text reference, as shown below. One way gives prominence to the information by placing the reference at the end of your sentence in brackets: Another way gives prominence to the author by placing the reference in the body of your sentence, with the author’s name incorporated into the sentence structure and the date in brackets: Including page numbers Page numbers are included when you:  quote part of a source word for word  summarise or paraphrase an idea from a specific page or pages  refer to tables, figures, images or present specific information like dates/statistics. If you do these things for a source without pages – e.g. a website – then just author and year will suffice. Habel (2007, p. 48) notes that the novelist ‘draws on an established tradition of appropriating the wayang for various social and political purposes’. Universities can play an active role in finding solutions for climate change (Filho 2010, p. 2). Filho (2010, p. 2) argues that universities can play an active role in finding solutions for climate change. Chabon (2008) explores a range of themes and ideas… Chabon, M 2008, Maps and legends, McSweeney’s Books, San Francisco. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 4 2) The reference list The reference list provides full bibliographic details for all the sources referred to in your assignment so that readers can easily locate them. Each different source referenced in your essay must have a matching entry in your reference list. It is important to note that the reference list is not a bibliography. A bibliography lists everything you may have read, while a reference list is deliberately limited to those sources for which you have provided in-text references. A bibliography is not needed unless specifically requested by your lecturer. The reference list is titled References and is:  arranged alphabetically by author’s family name (or title/sponsoring organisation where a source has no author)  a single list where books, journal articles and electronic sources are listed together (see sample reference list on p. 6 of this guide). The main elements required for all references are the author, year, title and publication information. Judd, D, Sitzman, K & Davi, GM 2010, A history of American nursing: trends and eras, Jones and Bartlett, London. Sandler, MP, Patton, JA, Coleman, RE, Gottschalk, A, Wackers, FJ & Hoffere, PB 1999, Diagnostic nuclear medicine, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. Whittemore, R 2009, ‘How can nursing intervention research reduce the research-practice gap?’, Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 7–15. Leave space between each entry No indentation required in second or subsequent lines of an entry Single line spacing required Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 5 An extract from an essay using the Harvard referencing system Essay extract … The literal adaptation of a book to film is practically impossible. As Stam (2005a, p. 4) suggests: The shift from a single-track verbal medium such as the novel to a multi-track medium like film, which can play not only with words (written and spoken) but also with music, sound effects, and moving photographic images, explains the unlikelihood and … undesirability of literal fidelity. It is puzzling, then, that readers and audiences are so critical of adaptations which take liberties, sometimes for the better, with their source material. Film adaptations of novels are frequently ‘castigated and held to an absurdly rigorous standard of fidelity’ (Stam 2005b, p. 15). If key scenes from a novel are pruned for film, audiences often react negatively. However, fidelity is not an appropriate measure for evaluating a film adaptation’s success, as numerous scholars concur (Desmond & Hawkes 2006; Leitch 2008; McFarlane 1996; Miller & Stam 2004). Judging film adaptations is ultimately, Whelehan (1999, p. 9) contends, ‘an inexact science dogged by value judgments about the relative artistic worth of literature and film’. A fan of a novel might denigrate a film adaptation which alters the original book in some fashion, but their response is highly subjective and fails to take into account the practices and realities of film production (McFarlane 2007, p. 26). Sometimes there are grounds for hostility. Author Alan Moore has witnessed a number of his complex graphic novels adapted into shallow Hollywood products, making him extremely critical of filmmakers and the filmmaking process (Ashurst 2009). However, this kind of attitude can be knee-jerk and reactionary. Rather than being overly pedantic about textual faithfulness, it is best to approach film adaptations as re-interpretations of their source material (Hutcheon 2006, p. 8) or as ‘a permutation of text, an intertextuality’ (Kristeva, cited in Sanders 2006, p. 2). Moreover, new modes of production further complicate existing definitions of, and approaches to, adaptation (Moore, MR 2010, p. 180). So … Comments Always provide author, year and page number(s) when quoting. Quotes longer than thirty words are indented both sides, and are one font size smaller. Ellipsis (…) shows one or more words have been omitted. The letters ‘a’ and ‘b’ have been added to the years here and above to distinguish between different sources by the same author (Stam) published in the same year. Several sources cited at once. Quotes shorter than thirty words are enclosed in single quotation marks. Always provide author, year and page number(s) when paraphrasing a printed source. Internet documents require the same information for the in-text reference (author and year). No page number for electronic sources unless available. Quote from Kristeva found in Sanders’ work. If authors have similar surnames, include first initials in reference to avoid confusion. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 6 References Ashurst, S 2009, ‘Why Alan Moore hates comic-book movies’, Total Film, 2 February, viewed 5 December 2010, . Desmond, J & Hawkes, P 2006, Adaptation: studying film and literature, McGraw-Hill, Boston. Hutcheon, L 2006, A theory of adaptation, Routledge, New York. Leitch, T 2008, ‘Adaptation studies at a crossroads’, Adaptation, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 63–77. McFarlane, B 1996, Novel to film: an introduction to the theory of adaptation, Oxford University Press, New York. ― 2007, ‘Reading film and literature’, in D Cartmell & I Whelehan (eds), The Cambridge companion to literature on screen, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 15–28. Miller, T & Stam, R (eds) 2004, A companion to film theory, Blackwell Publishing, viewed 30 October 2012, . Moore, MR 2010, ‘Adaptation and new media’, Adaptation, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 179–92. Sanders, J 2006, Adaptation and appropriation, Routledge, New York. Stam, R 2005a, ‘Introduction: the theory and practice of adaptation’, in R Stam & A Raengo (eds), Literature and film: a guide to the theory and practice of film adaptation, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, pp. 1–52. ― 2005b, Literature through film: realism, magic, and the art of adaptation, Blackwell Publishing, Malden. Whelehan, I 1999, ‘Adaptations: the contemporary dilemmas’, in D Cartmell & I Whelehan (eds), Adaptations: from text to screen, screen to text, Routledge, London, pp. 3–19. Online newspaper or magazine article Book with two authors Book Journal article Two works by same author, listed chronologically Dash used when more than one work by same author listed Chapter in an edited book Ebook. Two editors Journal article Book from which Kristeva’s quote taken Two works by same author in same year, listed a and b based on alphabetical order of title of the work Dash used when more than one work by same author listed Chapter in an edited book Please note: this extract is from an assignment written in the Humanities. Please refer to published work in your area of study for examples of referencing conventions specific to your discipline. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 7 What if your source does not exactly match any of these examples? This guide provides examples of Harvard references for different types of sources. Find the type of source you need to reference in the pages that follow, and construct your reference in that format using the example(s) provided to guide you. While this guide provides a wide range of examples, it is not possible to provide a model for every type of source you might use in your assignments. If you cannot find an exact match for the type of source you need to reference, find examples for similar sources and combine the elements to create the reference you need. For instance, the reference below is for a chapter in an edited document which was found online in PDF form. It has been created through combining aspects of the following types of references:  a chapter in an edited book  an online document in PDF form. If you cannot find comparable reference types, always identify the following components of the source, and arrange them in the order below: • author, editor, or authoring body/organisation • year of publication • title • publication information. Druckman, P 2012, ‘The integrated reporting journey’, in C Van der Lugt & D Malan (eds), Making investment grade: the future of corporate reporting, United Nations Environment Programme, Deloitte and the Centre for Corporate Governance in Africa, pp. 25– 28, viewed 4 December 2012, . Author/authoring body Year of publication Title of the chapter Editors Title of online document Publisher Internet address (URL) Date the document was viewed Page numbers of the chapter Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 8 Harvard referencing UniSA – Examples Print Includes any materials created for publication in paper form Book Basic format: Author’s family name, Initial(s) OR Authoring body year, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication. Type of reference In-text reference examples Reference list examples Further information Book with 1 author (this can include a person or an authoring body, e.g. a sponsoring organisation) Chabon (2008, p. 108) discusses… …was discussed in the study (Chabon 2008, p. 108). …a better world (Deni Green Consulting Services 2008, p. 5). Chabon, M 2008, Maps and legends, McSweeney’s Books, San Francisco. Deni Green Consulting Services 2008, Capital idea: realising value from environmental and social performance, Deni Green Consulting Services, North Carlton, Victoria. Gordon, M 2009, Manual of nursing diagnosis, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Mass. Author’s family name, followed by a comma and initial(s) of any given names, or authoring body. Publisher, followed by a comma. Year of publication, followed by a comma. Title of book in italics, followed by a comma. Use upper case for the first letter in the title and lower case for the rest unless referring to names or places, i.e. Lawrence of Arabia. Place of publication. If more than one place of publication is listed, give only the first listed. If there is another place with the same name, or if the place is little known, add the state or country (abbreviated), e.g. Texas, Qld, or Tully, Qld. Full stop at the end. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 9 Type of reference In-text reference examples Reference list examples Further information Book with 2 or 3 authors Campbell, Fox and de Zwart (2010, p. 46) argue… …alternatives are preferable (Campbell, Fox & de Zwart 2010, p. 46). Campbell, E, Fox, R & de Zwart, M 2010, Students’ guide to legal writing, law exams and self assessment, 3rd edn, Federation Press, Sydney. When multiple authors’ names are included within your sentence (not in brackets) use the full spelling of ‘and’. When the authors’ names are in brackets or in the reference list, use ‘&’. Book with 4 or more authors As suggested by Henkin et al. (2006, p. 14)… …has been suggested (Henkin et al. 2006, p. 14). Henkin, RE, Bova, D, Dillehay, GL, Halama, JR, Karesh, SM, Wagner, RH & Zimmer, MZ 2006, Nuclear medicine, 2nd edn, Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia. When there are 4 or more authors, only use the first author’s name in-text followed by the abbreviation et al. But include all names in the reference list. Book with no date or an approximate date This is emphasized by Seah (n.d.) when… This is emphasised by Seah (c. 2005) when… Seah, R n.d., Micro-computer applications, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington. Seah, R c. 2005, Micro-computer applications, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington. If there is no date use n.d. If there is an approximate date use c. (this means ‘circa’ – Latin for ‘around/about’). 2nd or later edition of a book Bordwell and Thompson (2009, p. 33) explain… …components of filmmaking (Bordwell & Thompson 2009, p. 33). Bordwell, D & Thompson, K 2009, Film art: an introduction, 9th edn, Mc-Graw Hill, New York. The edition number comes directly after the title in the reference list. Edition is not mentioned in-text. Translated book Kristeva (1995) has achieved great currency since its translation. …is argued as the reason for this tension (Kristeva 1995). Kristeva, J 1995, New maladies of the soul, trans. R Guberman, Columbia University Press, New York. The translator’s name is not referenced in-text – it only appears after the title in the reference list. Developed by Learning Advisers and Librarians © UniSA, January 2016 10 Edited book Type of reference In-text reference examples Reference list examples Further information Edited (ed.), revised (rev.) or compiled (comp.) book Morrison (ed. 2010) questions whether… It is not clear whether this point supports his previous assertions (ed. Morrison 2010). Morrison, D (ed.) 2010, The Cambridge companion to Socrates, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. When the editor’s name is included within your sentence (not in brackets) place ed. in the brackets following their name. When the editor’s name is in brackets, put ed. before their name. Edited (ed.), revised (rev.) or compiled (comp.) book with 2 or 3 editors Kronenberg, Pollard and Sakellariou (eds 2011) are interested in providing a framework for… …is included in this framework (eds Kronenberg, Pollard & Sakellariou 2011). Kronenberg, F, Pollard, N & Sakellariou, D (eds) 2011, Occupational therapies without borders: towards an ecology of occupation-based practices, vol. 2, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, Edinburgh. When editors’ names are included within your sentence (not in brackets) use the full spelling of ‘and’. When their names are in brackets or in the reference list, use ‘&’. Note the use of ‘eds’ (no full stop) for multiple editors. Edited book with 4 or more editors In their collection of essays, Barnett et al. (eds 2006) explore… …is explored throughout (eds Barnett et al. 2006). Barnett, T, Bierbaum, N, Harrex, S, Hosking, R & Tulloch, G (eds) 2006, London was full of rooms, Lythrum Press, Adelaide. When there are 4 or more editors, only use the first editor’s name in-text followed by the abbreviation et al. But include all names in the reference list.

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