According to Davis’s Inhuman Bondage what were some of the ideas and structures that supported what he calls the “invention” of America and the Americas?



◦ Write 4-5 pages maximum, double-space, 1 inch margin essay, use a citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago).

◦ Be sure to draw support and evidence from the course text(s) (Davis, Powerpoint, weblinks). Note: DO NOT use Wikipedia or

◦ Do not simply copy and paste material from Power Point or websites – this will earn you an “F” on the assignment.

According to Davis’s Inhuman Bondage what were some of the ideas and structures that supported what he calls the “invention” of America and the Americas? How did these structures shape major political, demographic and socio-economic patterns in society? What effect did this system have on “race,” then and now? (30 points)

DUE: This paper is due Friday, October 24, 2014 at midnight.

Papers with more than 15% similarity reports may receive a grade of zero and may be reported for further action. Make sure you turn in your own work and follow citation styles diligently.

Organization: Your paper should be titled, should include an intro a thesis statement, supporting arguments/evidence and conclusion.

Grading Rubric

Title & introduction (3 points)

Background/key concepts – effective use of key concepts (10 points)

Evidence/data – use of examples and appropriate use of quotes (10 points)

Discussion – what does it mean, critical thinking, analysis (5 points)

Conclusion – (2 points)

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