A critical review of a particular qualitative research approach in a particular domain of research

Write a critical review of a PARTICULAR qualitative research approach in a PARTICULAR domain of research. (The essay should be no more than 3,000 words, excluding tables, graphs, and the bibliography.)
Explain what the chosen approach is, how it has evolved and how it has been used in the chosen domain of research. Identify key debates, critical issues and research gaps and discuss future research implications in terms of methodological advance/innovation.
Please find below a list of research approaches and domains (in no particular order):
Research Approaches
– Grounded Theory (e.g. Glaser and Strauss)
– Practice studies (e.g. Feldman and Orlikowski)
– Case analysis (e.g. Eisenhardt)
– Narrative analysis (e.g. Boje)
– Ethnography (e.g. Geertz)
– Ethnomethodology (e.g. Garfinkel)
– Frame Analysis (e.g. Goffman)
– Critical Discourse Analysis (e.g. Fairclough/Weiss and Wodak)
– Interpretive Discourse Analysis (e.g. Heracleous)
– Comparative Historical Method (e.g. Skocpol/Mahoney and Rueschemeyer)
Research Domains
– Organisational Theory/Behaviour/Human Resource Management (ASQ, AMJ, OS, OSc, JOB, HRM, Organization, Human Relations, Management Review)
– Strategic Management (SMJ, AMJ, JMS, Strategic Organization)
– International and Comparative Management (JIBS, JWB, MIR, IBR)
– Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (Research Policy, R&DM, Technovation, TFSC,
Industry and Innovation, TASM, JBV, ETP, JSBM, SBE, EPA, EPC)
– Marketing (JM, JMR, JCR, JR, JAR, JA)
– Accounting and Finance (AOS, OS, Critical Perspectives in Accounting)

*For different styles of reviews, look at Academy of Management Review, Annals of the Academy of Management, Annual Review of Sociology, Organizational Research Methods, Research in Organizational Behavior. International Journal of Management Reviews is a dedicated review journal. Other generalist journals, such as Journal of Management and Journal of Management Studies, also tend to have good review articles. Special issue introductions of top journals also contain systematic review of the field. Good practitioner journals such as HBR, AMP, SMR, CMR and LRP tend to publish case studies.

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