a comparison on income inequality and incidence of poverty
For this essay you will do a comparison on income inequality and incidence of poverty.
paper and pencilYou will construct a Lorenz Curve and calculate the Gini Ratio for the United States, a state of your choice, and a country using recent data.
Data tables, graphs, and calculations for all three will be included in the essay.
Compare and contrast the causes of income inequality and any effects on economic efficiency.
Identify 5 incidences of poverty and create a bar graph similar to 11.4 in your textbook for all three locations.
Compare and contrast your findings between your three locales and discuss the trends.
Speculate implications on the economic growth, jobs, consumption using economic theory and models learned in this class to date.
Include a Works Cited page (does not count toward 3 page total for essay)
Include all references and websites used in constructing your analysis.
To obtain US data and State level Data:
Go to: American Fact Finder Advanced Search
If you find yourself at the Fact Finder Homepage instead, click on “Advanced Search.”
In the yellow box enter:
B19082 in table name field to obtain data for constructing the Lorenz Curve. Enter in the name of the state you want to research and Click Go. Do not click on the selections from the pop down menu. Click on the first search result. (Leave second field blank for U.S. level data).
S1701 in table name field to obtain data for incidence of poverty. Leave second field blank for U.S. level data or enter in state name for state specific.
To obtain country level data:
Go to: World Development Indicators: Distribution of income or consumption for Lorenz Curve data. Find a country whose survey data is 2010 or later.
Go to: World Bank Poverty & Equity Data for incidence of poverty information on your country.
You may need to do some separate Google searches for poverty indicators on your foreign country.
Graphing Lorenz Curve in Excel
Calculating the Gini Ratio
Creating a Bar Chart in Excel
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