250 response fornicola

250 response fornicola

Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) was the direct result of the
analysis of the after action report of the September 11th, 2001
terrorist attack on the United States. The overall conclusion was
that the communication between federal intelligence gathering and
Law Enforcement agencies did not exist or was territorial and poor
(Schaible, 2012). Intelligence is information in its raw form,
developed from surveillance, covert operations, financial records,
electronic eavesdropping, interviews, newspapers, the internet, and
interrogations (Schmalleger, 2011). This raw data is analyzed and
distributed as actionable intelligence, once understood and
prioritized. Criminal Intelligence in law enforcement is a
direction based on quality data and the understanding of how these
elements apply to local law enforcement, in order to minimize crime
activity among organized criminal gangs, terrorists, and nefarious
groups of like-minded individuals. This information is divided into
tactical and strategic categories, with the former being related to
gathered intelligence, the response to this data, and apprehending
offenders, while the latter refers to the changes in information,
planning response strategies and allocating or re-allocating
resources (Schmalleger, 2011). Fusion Centers developed in response
to the commission reports in the aftermath of 9/11 are the
facilitation of cross communication between agencies (Schmalleger,
2011). While numbering in excess of 70 centers in 37 states, these
centers are not consistent in appearance, equipment or abilities
(Schmalleger, 2011). This approach is a blend of military practices
used globally to develop information and proactive strategies to
prevent crime and terrorist activity with the law enforcement
standards of investigation and apprehension (Bell, 2013). The end
result is that the world is changing and we have learned that
criminal enterprise is used to fund terrorism and radical ideology
based groups. When we fight terrorism, we start with street level
crimes like drug distribution and the source of the raw material,
like Turkish Poppy fields. If we interrupt the money flow, the
ancillary activity stops. We would do well to just slow it down.
Biblically, in Matthew 24:12 it says: “…and because lawlessness is
increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” The Bible prophecy
indicates civil unrest will be an indicator of the end times, and
the civil unrest will be an indicator of the rejection of God’s
law. We must follow God’s law and support our citizens with an
effort to control the abhorrent behavior of the few, for the
protection of the innocents.

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